In a shocking turn of events late Friday night, a high-speed crash involving a Rolls Royce and three other vehicles in Panorama City left two people critically injured. The driver of the luxury vehicle fled the scene, sparking a citywide search directed by local authorities.
Chaos on the Streets
A serene night in Panorama City was shattered when a high-end Rolls Royce Cullinan, involved in what appears to have been a high-speed episode with a Mercedes GT63, initiated a catastrophic chain reaction of collisions. At approximately 9:50 p.m. along Sherman Way and Sherman Circle, chaos ensued when the Mercedes purportedly clipped a Honda Civic making a left turn, severely injuring its two occupants.
The injured parties were quickly transported to a nearby hospital, where they remain in critical condition. Their identities have not been disclosed by the authorities.
In an attempt to dodge the crashing Honda, the Rolls Royce driver swerved onto the opposite lane, colliding with a Chevy Traverse. The impact was severe enough to send the luxury vehicle careening into a curb. In a shocking turn, the driver of the Rolls Royce made a swift escape on foot from the accident scene, leaving behind a trail of destruction and unanswered questions.
Investigation and Suspicions of Street Racing
The aftermath of the crash saw the driver of the Mercedes GT63, also suspected of reckless driving, taken into custody after receiving medical care.
As of now, the Los Angeles Police Department has not confirmed whether the drivers of the Rolls Royce and Mercedes were engaged in a street race, though the circumstances suggest a possible high-speed duel. The LAPD’s Valley Traffic Division is actively seeking any information related to the crash and the fugitive driver.
Officials urge anyone with details about the incident to come forward and contact Valley Traffic Division Officers Reyes or Hansen at their respective numbers. The community’s assistance is pivotal in apprehending the suspect and ensuring justice for the victims of this tragic event.